Friday, March 6, 2009

What I do when insomnia strikes

I've dealt with insomnia for the majority of my life. When I was younger, it wasn't so bad! I had more time to study, more time to socialize, more time to organize (my closet as a teenager was filled with clear boxes with lids and labels, everything in it's place).

As I got older the late nights and early mornings got harder. When I lay down to sleep, at a reasonable hour or not, the pillow is like the trigger that turns on my brain. I start making lists. Lists of people who picked on me in 5th grade, lists of people I need to call, lists of projects that need to be done around the house, lists of the things I like about my kids, the things I DON'T like about my kids, lists of places I'd like to visit, lists of things I wish I'd said from conversations that are minutes or years old, lists of ways I can save money, list of ways I'd like to spend more money, just
lists lists LISTS!!!

Here's the one I was thinking of tonight (since it's 12:15 AM and I'm still wide awake):
What do I do with 13 citrus trees, all heavy laden with fruit? I made a list!
1. launch it at passing cars (kids, not reccomended by the Mesa Police Department).
2. Play catch (mom approved, unless you like fast pitch... back to the Mesa Police, I read a report this week about a kid who launched a fast one (orange) and it hit another kid in the eye, imploding it (the eye) into his head and breaking the orbital bone).
3. Load 20 or 30 of them onto the trampoline and then gather as many kids as will fit on the mat. Start jumping all at once and try not to get touched by an orange. (I don't know if the kids gave this game a name or not, but Mom calls it "cut that out!" Have you tried to clean orange pulp off a trampoline mat?)
4. Bowling
5. This time of year with 13 citrus trees? I stock up on Zyrtec, Claratin, Alavert, Benadryl, Veramyst, Nasonex, and all the generics of the aforementioned antihistamines.
6. Pick it, juice it, freeze it, use it all year long (not a favorite among the kids, it takes too long, it isn't fun, and it's labeled in the 'chore' category).
7. Give it away! By the ton!! (seriously, last year we donated 1.5 tons to the United Food Bank).
8. snowball-ish fight that ends with "Ow, that's not soft!" (see also number 2)

We love this time of year. We get to reap the harvest, share our plenty, enjoy the smells of the blossoms promising next years crop, and swell up until our face is twice it's normal size and our throat is swollen shut from the coughs & sneezes. I should buy stock in kleenex.


Jill said...

I'm still not tired, so there's a good chance I'll think of more things to add to this list by morning.

This insomnia and list making is probably a symptom of my bi-polar disorder. Yeesh.

Adam and Emily said...

I was amazed that someone left a comment on your blog at midnight. But alas it was just you. Silly Jill.... I'm still awake if that makes you feel any better.

Kathy P said...

Creativity doesn't have a bed time... at least that is what I tell myself at 1:00 in the morning.

Oh, and I like the trampoline idea... just don't tell my kids. Please.

Anonymous said...

That's so funny, i say that all the time "I should buy stock in Kleenex" or just own the company outright! They trampoline one sounds fun....although the give away is easiest!

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