Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jill needs...

Go to google and type your name then 'needs.' Type up the first 10 responses. This is hillarious!

1. Jill needs to earn enough money to buy a new skateboard. (can't afford the van payments anymore, gotta find a new way to get to work)

2. Jill needs Jack. (Jack & Jill went up the hill... la la la)

3. Jill needs to wake up and smell the emotional abuse. (woah)

4. Jill needs to go out. (amen!)

5. Jill needs you. (awwww)

6. Jill needs horror. (gack! I beg to differ!)

7. Jill needs to stop looking! (can't.... help.... it.... )

8. Jill needs a home. (mental group home maybe)

9. Jill needs to stop attacking Jack. (the honeymoon from number two is over)

10. Jill needs some pills. (wait, is that one really about me?!)


Denise said...

I LOVE IT! I just did that two days ago. Mine were mostly about Denise Richards, so I needed to "shut my mouth", "grow up" mostly. Nathan's funniest was "Nathan needs to go to heaven, please take him."

Adam and Emily said...

I just caught up with all your blogs... yeah....your crazy all right. And yet... I like hanging out with you. So what does that say about me? HAHA!

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