Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

The cost to keep a family healthy

Ember had her first trip to a pediatric allergist on Wednesday and the news was a little disheartening. She's basically allergic to EVERYTHING. She had extreme reactions to everything they poked her with. She's allergic to dogs, pecan trees, and bermuda grass. That's basically our entire back yard. She came home with three new prescriptions. We are already paying $190 a month on other prescriptions and regular co-pays, and now we have three more. We're going to go broke just trying to keep our family healthy. Ember wants to start taking piano lessons but the money we may have had for that is now going to more medications. *sigh*

But... I'm grateful for health insurance, because those co-pays and medications would otherwise cost over $1000 a month. That's my desperate silver lining.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best. Review. Ever.

Go to this link, this is the best movie recap I've read since... well, midnight Thursday.


I won these funky manequin heads on eBay this week, so now I have more models for my hats! Maybe I should draw creepy eyes on them, just for fun...

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I received an email recently that really struck a chord with me. I felt it needed to be shared. The unedited email, in its entirety, is shown below.

We, my wife and I, are firmly convinced that our elected politicians are incapable of representing the will of the American people - and incapable of adhering to the Constitution of the United States of America which they took a solemn oath to uphold and defend.

We are among the millions of US citizens who are at our wits' end sending e-mails, faxes, telephoning, meeting with elected officials, demonstrating, rallying - and hoping - that those representatives will do the will of the people.

They have failed. Have we, as well?

The United States of America is a choice land, a nation that was founded by our forefathers who were divinely inspired by God the Father Almighty.

This choice nation has been the defender of freedom throughout its relatively short history. We have led in the fight for freedom against many tyrants and dictators who have plundered and pillared their citizens and have subjected them to great sufferings through blood and horror.

The people of those nations who suffered these great injustices knew that they could always depend upon the goodness, power and righteousness of the United States of America to extract them from their plights. And it was done - many times over. It was not done without expense - the expense of the blood and sacrifice of the members of our armed forces - and the suffering of their families.

As the year 2009 soon comes to a close, we the citizens of the United States of America finds ourselves facing many of the challenges - which those nations suffered at the hands of their political leaders. We are being attacked from within! Who do we turn to? Which great nation can we turn to, to help us to keep and maintain our
freedom? We do not have the same hope of those nations to whom we were benefactors.

We MUST turn to our Savior. If we are a righteous people, we will be deserving of, and receive of His blessings as He has promised. He suffered and died for us - He atoned for our sins; each one of us -- individually.

We know that -- as a nation - we can once again be the choicest of lands. However, we cannot achieve that blessing without our willingness to please our Lord and Savior.

We are asking that all who read this message that have faith in Christ designate Sunday December 6, 2009 as a day of fasting and prayer for America. You do not have to march on the nations Capitol nor go to a tea bag rally. From the comfort of your home, you can get on bended knee and with a broken heart and contrite spirit, petition the Lord to bless this nation generously according to His will. Then,
keep the fast for that day. Make that Christ-like commitment to our Heavenly Father. He will listen, He will answer. That has been promised.

"And whatsoever he shall ask the father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you." (3 Nephi 18:20)

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)

Joe and Janice
St. George, UT.

Ok, just a couple more :) (Austin, you're my favorite)

THIS is why the second movie was better :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ahhhh!!! Look what I made!!!

Dang, now I want a baby.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Social Experiment on Family Living

Austin and I have been short on patience lately, mostly as a result of our pint sized Tasmanian devils. At any given moment of the day, someone is yelling.

"Mom, (*name changed to protect the not-so-innocent*) pushed me into the wall!"

"Mom, I can't concentrate on my homework because everyone is talking!"

"Mom, so-and-so won't give me that toy back and I had it FIRST!!"

"But it's MY turn on the computer, you've been there ALL DAY!" (after two minutes)

Hubby said he wants to bash their heads together, but we're pretty sure that's illegal.

I have a new idea... a goal I want to implement for the time being. A social experiment in family living. Here it is:

Whenever there's chaos going on, don't think of my stress or irritation. Think of how my kids may be feeling at that moment. If I were in their shoes, what would this feel like? If I had pushed my sister and got caught... would I be feeling fear as I saw Mom or Dad stomping down the hall with a traffic stopping glare on their face? If I had spilled milk all over the mopped floor, would my heart race at the thought of being yelled at for being clumsy? Would Mom be the good witch or the bad witch today?

I know kids will never be perfect, but most of the time their intentions are not to hurt somebody else (MOST of the time). They can't think outside the box, the box being their brain. How do I feel about this? How will this affect me? How can I get out of this (chores)? If I try to get into their head, I have so many good ideas on how to communicate with them. I also have more...

wait for it....

patience! That's right, I understand where they're coming from and I'm better at resolving conflicts. I look at them... just look for a minute, at their very expressive and revealing faces. Faces that after a moment of quiet reflection (while I'm counting to ten before I explode) become more beautiful than we ever thought they were. Faces of God's children. Just take a minute and LOOK. See them for who they are. Try and feel what they feel, think what they think.

I'm hoping it will help me communicate better with these three little darlings who appear to be deaf at the moment, because nobody is responding to my shouting. Hmm.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

For the girly girls!

Updated my handmade treasures blog with new photos of my recent projects. I want to sell some of these hats and flowers during the holiday / winter season, so check it out!

Here's a preview courtesy of Grace, my diva.

Why I Love Arizona (part 3)

Because this is just two hours from...

... this!

Arizona has such diverse climates and landscapes, from scorching desert to snow covered pines. It's such a short drive and an easy escape. I can't find my other pictures, but we also have canyons and mountains, gorgeous rock formations shaded red and cultural monuments left by the American Indians. And it's all just a short drive away!

Where is your favorite place to go in Arizona? I LOVE LOVE LOVE where I live!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Why I love Arizona (part 2)

Oh beautiful for spacious skies

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Soooo well put. Everyone with daughters, READ this mom's post. Amazing.

Why I Love Arizona (part I)

Sunday (NOVEMBER 8): Partly Cloudy, high of 83

By middle of next week, high's in the mid 70's with a chance of rain.

I freakin' love this state.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

are you kidding me?!?!

Work kicked my trash tonight. I wrote about it on my journal blog, which is private, because some swearing may have been involved. What's the point in doing your best if you still get dumped on by someone you trust? By a supervisor who values you (or used to)?

So much for motivation. Mediocrity is my new goal, mundane attitude and participation my new battle cry. Bring on the flowered wallpaper, I'll fade right in!

Life stinks right now. :P...
Want to get to know me? Visit this post!