Wednesday, November 4, 2009

are you kidding me?!?!

Work kicked my trash tonight. I wrote about it on my journal blog, which is private, because some swearing may have been involved. What's the point in doing your best if you still get dumped on by someone you trust? By a supervisor who values you (or used to)?

So much for motivation. Mediocrity is my new goal, mundane attitude and participation my new battle cry. Bring on the flowered wallpaper, I'll fade right in!

Life stinks right now. :P...


Unknown said...

C's make degrees is what I always say. Some how it's hard to just settle for C's. Hang in there Jill. You'll recover!

Carrot Jello said...

You go with your mediocre, mundane self!

Oh, sorry.
Just trying to be encouraging.
Sorry you had a bad day.

Adam and Emily said...

I still like you Jill....and whether you realize it or not, you are one of the strongest and most helpful people I know...and I'm happy to call you a bFff...;)
And if you ever want to get away for a while, I'll kick Adam out and you we can eat junk food and watch movies and vent about everything.

Want to get to know me? Visit this post!