Thursday, March 19, 2009


During my bouts of insomnia I like to make lists. My last published list was all the things you can do with the fruit from 13 citrus trees. Last night I was thinking about all the different things we've found under the couch. (Why do kids think that's such a great hiding place?)

1. cereal
2. baseballs
3. pajamas
4. dishes
5. inhaler
6. used kleenex
7. candy wrappers
8. dust bunnies (that's a given)
9. my little pony
10. Care bears
11. barbies
12. ok, toys in general
13. diapers
14. blankets
15. cheese crisp
16. earrings
17. homework
18. pens & pencils
19. movies (the disk or the DVD box)
20. hairbrush
21. backpacks
22. money
23. bills

That's all I thought of for now, but I know there's more. Is this a common hiding place for "stuff" in anyone else's house? Whenever something's missing, under the couch is the first place I look.


The Birthday Group said...

My kids are all grown and gone, so all I find now is food and crumbs. I take no blame, my husband is a sloppy eater.

Kathy P said...

Our "under couch finds" look like a regular selection from a dollar store... cheap and broken toys everywhere. Then you have to add in the stale pizza and candy wrappers to make the look complete -- yuck!

Tell Sharon Congrats!!! Someone on my blog says that girl deserves a party for a 10 pounder... I agree.

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