This blog is the sunny side of things, and most of it isn't me. It's stories that my husband told me, pictures he took, and perspective that he has. I regurgitate it. I copy what other moms on other blogs are doing because I think that's what I'm supposed to do. I am not perfect, and I realized that reading other blogs and hearing others testimonies is only letting me see the perfect and spiritual side of people. It isn't helping me, because I needed to know that people are just as screwed up as I am.
Here's what I told my husband this morning, in a nutshell:
I am going to find out what my limits are, but here is what I know for now. I am not willing to try anything new because I might fail at it. I won't accept a calling because I can't and won't do it. I can't take my kids to their dentist appointments. I can't pick them up from school. I can't make dinner every night. I can't even sit with my family through a meal, because I can't stand their company.
I can't bathe my kids and sing them songs, read them stories, and put them to bed. I can't brush my daughters hair. I can't give my son his medication. I don't do laundry or make my bed. I don't take showers or brush my teeth for days at a time. I don't want to plan a budget with my husband or try to live on one.
I can't pray and ask for help because I don't think that solves anything. I can't go to church because it makes me feel worse because everyone is a hypocrite. I won't go to enrichment night, do my visiting teaching, or feed the missionaries. I can't do those things right now because I don't have it in me to give.
I don't want to explain how I feel anymore, to doctors or family or visiting teachers or co-workers or supervisors or children who don't understand. I want a time out... from everything. My job, my family, my home, my church, my responsibilities, everything. This is who I really am right now.
This won't be me forever, Denise (my sister, not my boss) promised me that. She promised me that it gets better, and I believe her because she is better. Not every day, but more often than she used to be. She cried with me this morning and promised me that this wouldn't last forever. This is my trial, but this is also my husband's trial because he has to live with it too. He has a job, a calling, responsibilities, and now he's doing all the stuff I should be doing too. And I'm asking him to do more because I can't do it anymore.
This is me at my worst, this is my suffering. Life isn't good all the time and blogs make it seem like it is. I can't and won't end with my testimony because my sister told me this morning that sometimes that feels like a get out of jail free card, that you can screw up and use it as an excuse. I don't want people to call me and offer help and support, because it won't help me or support me and I probably won't even answer the phone. I just want my sisters to love me, I just want my kids to not need me for awhile, and I just want to be by myself with some peace and quiet. This post is for all the women out there that think that I handle my struggles with courage and faith, because I don't. I am nobody to be looked up to. Maybe someday I will be, just not today.