Friday, November 21, 2008


I went to the midnight show for Twilight last night with a couple of friends, and I have a few observations. About myself, and about the movie. First; I'm so glad I'm not a teenager anymore. Enjoying these books and going to the midnight show did make me feel young again, but I'm glad I'll never have to repeat that part of my life. And there were way too many girls at that theater that were out past their bedtime! Of course, I completely understand their enthusiasm.

Second; the movie was fantastic, but the book was better. At first I thought that Robert Pattison was a horrible choice for Edward, but he had really grown on me by the end of the movie. Of course the Edward that we all created in our imaginations just can't be duplicated in real life. It's those unrealistic expectations! :) And Jasper was kinda creepy, he constantly looked like he was going to throw up or scream. Alice was perfect, Rosalie wasn't beautiful enough, Emmet was just like I imagined him, and Bella & Charlie were cast well too. It's just hard to bring such distinctive, descriptive characters to real life. And did everyone notice Stephenie Meyer eating at the diner? Yay!

The meadow scene was a HUGE disappointment, that is my only major complaint. It's one of the greatest, most romantic scenes in the book and it was turned into something moody, angry, and tense. Where was the romance? And the "sparkle" just didn't cut it. Other than that, I thoroughly enojoyed the movie and will probably go see it again. After I get a little sleep.

Today I'm thankful for Twilight. ;)

Oh... one more thing... I was on channel 10 news last night. We were standing next to some "super fans" in line, and they got on camera. I was the one in the t-shirt that says "What do you mean Edward isn't real?"


Anonymous said...

Seriously you have a Twilight shirt?!! You are cracking me up! I would think if there were too many young girls that would've been a little annoying because the younger girls never seem to know when to stop talking to each other. I guess I really should read Twilight...

Jill said...

The too many young girls DID get a little annoying, especially at the beginning of the movie when they screamed about everything. They chilled out later though, but I think it's because it was past their bedtime. I was surprised at how many MOMS I saw! I wasn't alone!!!

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