Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I'm thankful for...

.... google. And the internet in general. Tomorrow I'm preparing my first Thanksgiving meal, from scratch, by myself for just my family. We're having an extended family thanksgiving dinner on Friday, but since we all have Thursday off work and school I thought I'd do one just for us. Without google, I wouldn't know how to prepare and cook a turkey. I found a great recipe for sweet potatoes, and I think I have the day timed so that everything comes out warm at the same time. I found great websites with recipes, tips, planning guides, and everything a beginner could possibly need to make thanksgiving great. Without google, I would have kept my mom on speaker phone for two days.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Jill you are so amazing to cook thanksgiving dinner all by yourself! I cant imagine doing that, but im not very good at cooking...yet. I have really enjoyed reading about what you are thankful for, I do it at work during lunch. Thanks for sharing about yourself and letting me get a glims into your life.


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