Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let me clarify...

I don't think Barack Obama is the devil. I don't think he's the beast that was prophesied about in Deuteronomy that will be allowed to reign for four years and ruin the country from within. The end of the world will come when it comes, and I just want to live my life in the meantime.

The problem is, he's going to ruin MY meantime! I disagree with him on every major issue. I think abortion is wrong, I think national defense is vital, I think illegal immigration needs to be stopped, I think nationalized health care is a bad idea that won't work, I don't believe in handouts and freebies for people who won't work for anything themselves, I don't want to pay higher taxes and have a bigger government, I think spreading the wealth is socialism, I think socializing with terrorists is wrong even if it was a long time ago and he's not the worst one out there, I think listening to hate speech for 20 years is the same thing as condoning it, I think the office of the presidency shouldn't be a journey of self discovery and we needed someone with more experience. He's a smooth talking puppet for the democratic party and I'm dreading the next four years.


Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jill said...

I didn't read his books, and I'm pretty sure in my post I didn't quote them either. I didn't quote the news media, I didn't quote talk radio, I didn't quote him or his opponents. I don't watch "The View" and I didn't piece together parts of a source to mold it to my opinion. I also didn't post any lies. I posted known facts about his associations, his voting record, his own published political agenda for the next four years, and my opinions about the above. Yes, it was passionate and opinionated. What would American politics be without passion?

I'm not going to remove the picture because it was a JOKE. It's not hateful, it's juvenile. There's a difference. I'm almost 33 and yet I reserve the right to have immature moments.

I'm not going to rush out and read Obama's books, but I do have the audacity of hope. I really do hope the next four years aren't going to be as bad as I think they are.

Adam and Emily said...

Jill, all I can say is Here Here!! I think people who get so offended about such silliness just can't find good enough reasons to comform to the mold, so they get "offended" or "mad". I think that's a freakin HILARIOUS picture!
Plus it's your blog, put what ever the heck you want to! People don't have to read it! :)
That's what America is about...right?

Robert Choate said...

AMEN and AMEN!!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe Denise took offense either. There have certainly been more shocking things said or heard over the last two years. Keep the blogs coming.


Jill said...

ok, so now nothing makes sense because Denise deleted her comments. I have them in my e-mail but out of respect for my sisters request to let this go and never speak of it again... it will stay deleted.

Anonymous said...

Jill I have always admired you- only more now. You are a breath of fresh air. I agree and believe EVERY word of what you said. Thanks for your integrity and standing up for what you believe. This country is in trouble, all we can do now is pray and know it is the the Lords hands. We need more women like you Jill- you are awesome! love you

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