Thursday, November 6, 2008

Give Thanks

In an effort to reclaim my blog from cynicism and politics, I am going to focus the entire month of November on gratitude. I'll try and post something every day that I'm thankful for. Today's blessing in disguise... Clorox disinfecting wipes. How did moms ever survive before these things? I can clean and disinfect everything! They're convenient, smell good, fast, and I don't have to put them in the laundry! It's all about the little things, people.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Definitely it is the little things. Cleans and doesn't have to be cleaned, Priceless! I am so glad you commented on my blog, I had no idea you had one!!! You are killing me, you already have your Christmas pictures, you are Amazing!

Bubba the Hutt said...

Okay, so you tell me they are not this years pics, but amazing nonetheless to get all kids smiling in a professional photo! Also your Mraz songs are an awesome choice...

Hot Diggity Daws said...

So I am laughing because I intended to post the last comment under my name...Sorry to clog up this section, But, I still hold that Clorox wipes Rock!!!

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