Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today I'm thankful for...

... crayons. Yes, crayons. It may sound weird, but for all you moms out there that have ever received homemade birthday cards made out of construction paper and crayons then you know what I'm talking about. My kids made me some beautiful birthday cards, but they make me beautiful things every day. And one of my favorite things to do is open a brand new box of crayons where they're all still sharp and none are broken and then color for hours with my three year old. When Austin was on his mission and I was writing him weekly letters, I used to color him pictures with crayons and throw them in with the letter. They make me feel young, creative, hopeful, cheerful, and all kinds of other things I can't find the right words for right now. Yay crayons!

1 comment:

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I LOVE new boxes of Crayons too! I bought a Suzy Zoo coloring book at the dollar store and just enjoyed coloring a few pages with brand new crayons! We even hung it on the fridge, how silly is that!

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