Friday, July 16, 2010

Utah: day 2 (long day, long post)

We started our day at the hotel, swimming in the indoor pool. The kids loved the echo (they yelled a lot) and the novelty of swimming inside. The hot tub was the favorite, because the other pool was freezing!

Just look at my muscle man. He lifts weights every day :)

We eat waaaaay too much fast food on road trips.
I'm craving green vegetables and fresh fruit.

Hotel rooms are so boring for kids :P

We spent the afternoon at Discovery Park to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday. Lots of family came from several different states to be there for the event, because how often do you get to turn 90? Ember and Ben found the tennis courts at the park and managed to make up a game without any racquets. Thank goodness for all the discarded tennis balls!

My darling parents

Four adorable sisters, Marian, Jenny, Katie and Amy.

Grandma looks so sweet holding one of her great-grandkids, Lucas

Dad & Austin enjoying some peach mango salsa

Grace continually sprayed Aunt Cindy with water... it was a very hot day.

Ember makes friends easily, and today she latched herself onto a group of boys who were more than happy to dump cups of water on her.

Back at Aunt Sandy's there was an inflatable water slide, which was a big hit!

Grandma's sister Marian came for the party, the two were telling great stories. Grandma said in 90 years the thing that has changed the most is technology, and the one thing that has remained constant and not changed at all is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is an example to us all.
At the end of the day we had a program / variety show and Grandma encouraged us to sing and recite poetry we had memorized. She's always encouraged her kids, grandkids and great grandkids to be educated and articulate, and because of her influence her posterity is full of talented people. It was a fun program, Grace and I even sang the itsy bitsy spider :)

Happy 90th birthday Grandma Shipley!

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