Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Want to know why I love to crochet so much? Because it's something that I can do that won't be undone. Not like cleaning my house.

I've set some new goals for myself since our home is getting out of control with dust and clutter. I use Fly Lady to keep my tasks reasonable and organized and I did a great job working in the kitchen and dining room yesterday, my targeted zone for the day. I even shined up the kitchen sink with windex.

Today it looks like I wasn't even there. Dirty dishes everywhere, coloring pages and crayons on the table and floor, wet towels from swimming lessons and flip flops kicked casually in the middle of the floor, food crumbs and cold cereal on the counter and carpet, toys scattered where the dogs can chew them up, video games not put away from yesterday, and lots of unidentifiable junk.

I'm trying to take this one day at a time, one 15-minute project at a time, but it's an uphill battle. 'Cleaning the house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing.'

So I'm not spending today doing more cleaning that will be undone by tomorrow, I'm spending my day crocheting a new baby blanket pattern that I love. It won't get undone, and maybe the person who buys it will treasure it and I can give a little bit of my creative joy to someone else.

The dishes will still be there tomorrow.

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