Friday, August 27, 2010

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you....

... the continuing adventures of Marker Girl!

Ember was laying on her stomach on the floor doing her homework, and she thought Grace was just poking her in the behind. She was... with a marker. I got some of it out, or at least lightened it, but I think the pants can't be worn to school anymore. All those light spots right next to the pockets used to be swirls. 10 or 11 swirls. This picture just doesn't do it justice. Maybe I should've taken the picture BEFORE I tried to clean them.

And just for further evidence of her destructive power, I present you a gem from the past: trying to draw a face on the back of Dad's Lazy Boy. Still hard to see in a picture, but horrible in person.

We will now return you to our regularly scheduled blogging:
The happiness project.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I swear I am gonna come and steal all your markers. Ethan did that to my couch with a sharpie. He has not repeated his offense (maybe I was scary). I hope you have only washable.

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