Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Grace has been asking questions all day about my childhood. Was I as big as her when she was a baby? How old was I when I met daddy? Was I the same when I was four as she is now? It was kind of an eye opener when I told her that I married her dad nine years after I met him. Weird, unless you consider that we were 12 years old. I told Ember that in three years, she could meet her future husband! Wow...

So, 2021. That's going to be a stellar year for me. Ember will be the same age that I was when I got married, 21. Ben will be leaving on his mission, and Grace will be driving us to the airport.

Brain cramp!


Austin said...


Skinhorse said...

May Grace be with you...and may the road be mercifully cleared of all traffic and boys with cute bohineys.

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

oh my. that is nuts. Do not tell me such things.

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