Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let There Be Hope (Again)

With the just announced win of Senator-elect Scott Brown to the US Senate for MA, the People of this great nation once again have hope for the future.

No longer do the Liberals have a free pass to spend our money, our children's money, and our children's children's money. Now there is a chance to stop the outrageous takeover of our healthcare system (and other tax and spend plans). We, the People, have hope that the conservatives may be able to stop it and protect our futures.

For too long I have worried about what the Congress has done and continues to do. I have watched and waited for a glimmer of hope.

Well, as it turns out, I was not alone. Even the people of Massachusetts, one of most liberal places around, has recognized the downward, spiraling of the nation caused by the extreme left-wing, liberal agenda of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. The people of Massachusetts, echoing the voices of We, the People, said, "No Way!! We don't want it!"

Thank you, Massachusetts. You give We, the People, hope.

Just wait, Democrats, the People won't stand for this.

Pack your bags!
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