Friday, January 22, 2010

My list of things to do just got a lot smaller...

As I may have previously mentioned, I love to write. I love journals. My current fave is my "therapy" journal. Everyone should have one. No, seriously.

My goal is to write a list of my accomplishments for the day (with some witty commentary). Today's list was the bomb! (whatever that means). There were 50 things on my list! Did you catch that? Fif-teeee! I was thinking that this must be what other "normal" moms do, just plug along all day long taking care of EVERYTHING. There was no burst of energy, just the slow and steady tortoise. I sat here pondering, at 2:00 in the morning, why that may be. My previous record was 23.

Here's what I came up with:
I'm doing the opposite of nesting.
What's that you say? Nesting? Isn't that what pregnant women do?
Why yes, it is. That's why I did the opposite.
I cleaned my house from top to bottom. Organized cupboards, swept and mopped floors, scrubbed toothpaste off the mirror and walls, threw out expired medications, maxed out our recycle barrel (is there a weight limit?), along with a few other things.
50... did I mention that?

So, back to the opposite of nesting.
As my friend Emily puts it, I'm getting spayed :)
That's right folks, the tubes are being tied and this baby making factory is being closed down for good.
I'll be out of commission for a day or two, so I guess I was just preparing my house for the absence of Mom.
Of course, I'm absent a lot of the time anyway.
Emotionally I mean.
And sometimes physically, I guess.
Don't judge :)

I got my house in order so that I can be made 'out of order'.
hahahahaha! (well, I thought it was funny)

The big day (my due date?) is Tuesday, January 22.
Any procedure is risky because of my Crohn's disease, it can cause a flare up (which is kinda why I'm doing this in the first place) but it needs to be done. My health can't handle any more kiddos.
Who are we kidding, neither can my sanity.

Wish me luck.


Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

Good luck!!

...and Congratulations!! I think I knew you were pregnant, but I brain is still recovering cells since I lost them in my pregnancy...

How fun though! You and Celeste having babies at the same time! Do you know what you're having--a boy or girl?

Austin said...

And the house looks great! (or at least it did before the kids got up) ;)

The Birthday Group said...

Way to go Jill!!!! Good luck on your procedure on Tuesday.

Jill said...

Rachel, I'm actually NOT pregnant. I'm trying not to be ever again :) I just had this weird nesting instinct this week, just preparing my house for my down time I guess.

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I didn't know you were goona do that. But hey, You weren't planning to have any more anyway, why not? Will this help any of your other symptoms too? That would be great if your Chrohn's issues would kick it in to gear and be nice to you! Good luck.

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