Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our weekend

Austin and I came home from a play Thursday night and Ben was still awake with a fever. He said his throat and stomach hurt, and he was breathing funny. It was rapid and shallow and when I listened close it sounded very tight. We decided he needed to go to Urgent Care, so Austin packed him up and drove away.

I got into pajamas, washed my face, took my medication that helps me sleep, and was ready for bed. Then Austin called and said they were sending Ben from the Urgent Care to the hospital via Ambulance. Huh?!

His pulse-ox was 84, the percentage of oxygen in the blood, and it should be in the high nineties if not 100. His respitory rate (breaths per minute) was high 50's, sometimes 60 and it should be in the 20's. His heart rate was also way higher than normal. The EMT's put in an IV in the ambulance, which he handled better than expected, and he ended up at Banner Desert hospital.

Here's my boy plugged into the wall in too many places:

It's Saturday night, and he's coming home tomorrow. He had to be off the oxygen for 24 hours first, and he's doing so much better. He has pneumonia and an ear infection, but we still don't know what caused the breathing problems. Maybe asthma, maybe not. He's never had any symptoms like this before, but we have a follow up appointment on Tuesday and hopefully we'll learn more then. I'm just so glad my baby boy is ok.

Thanks to everyone who offered babysitting, meals and support. You guys rock!


Gary & Sharlene Merrill said...

Never a dull moment in your life. Hope that Ben gets to come home soon.

Celeste said...

We are praying for Ben and your family. Hope the doctors can find some answers. Ben is such a trooper!

Skinhorse said...

Hurray! I'm glad Ben is home and feeling better. I sure hope he stays that way a very long time. The same goes for all of you!

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I am very glad that he is home now. What a weekend.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Did they do an H1N1/Iifluenza Swab? I am sure they did. Poor Ben!! That must have been nerve wracking, I wish I could've been of assistance. Let me know if there is anythin we can do.

The "Curby Clan" said...

I am so sorry. Ugh that just breaks my heart to see that. I'm so glad he's doing better. Makes me count my blessings that we live in a time where I can get the medical help I need.

Jasmine said... gosh.. that is so scary! I'm glad he is feeling better. By the way.. did you guys take him to the Pediatric Urgent Care on Higley/Southern? I was there with my little girl on 10/2. While we were waiting an ambulance pulled up. Then when we were taken back to our room they were all in the room across from ours. Maybe it was a coincidence.

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