Thursday, October 8, 2009

In the middle of the night...

In the middle of the night

I go walkin' in my sleep

From the mountains of faith

to the river so deep.....

Whatever, I don't even like that song. I was just thinking that it's the middle of the night again and I'm not sleepin' either.

Sounds like a great time to blog!


* Ember & Ben are both home from the hospital and recovering. (That's right folks, the same day Ben came home... Sunday afternoon... Ember went there herself Sunday night). They both still need regular breathing treatments and daily meds of all varieties (they're not for sale) but all-in-all they're A-OK. Back to school and everything!

* Austin is sick. :P

* Grace & Mom still seem to be ok, cross your fingers.

* It's October, so I bought a large bag of candy corns and ate them all myself. Thank goodness it's sweater season.

* I won a contest (?) at work and got a set of magnets that are all of my favorite punctuation faces. :) :( :P X[ ;) !) :\ They're awesome.

* I bought a new journal. I wasn't even finished writing in my old journal, but the cover on this one was way cooler. I even bought a new package of pens to write in the new journal. It's an obsession, I can't stop. They don't even have a 12 step program for this one.

* I shampooed my carpets. They looked awesome until my dog peed on it.

* I sewed matching pajamas for me and my 2 daughters. Mine turned out great, four year old's are smashing, but I think I sewed one leg of the nine year old's upside down. She's wearing them because she loves me, but she said the left leg feels weird. Plus it's longer than the right leg. I feel sheepish.

* I'm more than halfway done Christmas shopping. Suckers!

That's all my updates for now. Stay tuned for future shenanigans! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


The Birthday Group said...

Jill, you are a delight! I have BP also and when I can't sleep for days at a time my house becomes so clean you could eat off of it. I love being manic, but hate the coming down part. :(

Sarah said...

HAHAHA! Right on, I would love those jammies too. Kisses to Ember, I LOVE that girl. And yes you suck for having some Christmas shopping done.

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