Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Conversations with Grace

Keep in mind that during this entire conversation with my four year old she's using an obstinate fists-on-her-hips kind of voice. I was driving her to pre-school and there was a pigeon crossing the road.

G: Why is that bird in the street? Birds don't walk in the street.

M: Sure they can.

G: No, they only walk on sidewalks or on buildings, cuz' they're birds.

M: They can walk anywhere. If they see a car coming they just move.

G: Birds can't see!

M: Yes they can, they have eyes.

G: No, I mean they only see in white and black, like dogs.

M: How did you know that? About dogs being color blind? Did someone teach you that?

G: No, I just always knew it.

M: Ok, just give me a hug, it's time for school.

G: Fine. Mom? Your tummy's getting bigger.

M: *sigh*

1 comment:

Skinhorse said...

That is some kid you've got there, girly-girl!

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