Monday, February 16, 2009

Snow in Mesa!

Here's a few pics of the kids playing in the snow I brought home from the mountains last Wednesday. Grace had it to herself for a few hours before the other kids got home from school. She looked so cute in her ballet outfit and winter jacket! The dogs really didn't like the snow, I've never seen them jump so fast.

There was an awesome snowball fight with all the nieghborhood kids, but we had to create some rules... too many shots to the head!

It was a blast for so many of these kids who had never seen snow before. Our yard was filled with some kids I had never seen before! Want a great way to meet your neighbors? Bring home a truck load of snow and dump it in your front yard! More than half of it melted by the time they got home from school, but they didn't know the difference, so they didn't care. One little boy was actually surprised that it was cold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I had noticed the show in your yard, my kids would've loved it! :O)

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