Sunday, February 22, 2009


Emily listed some of her quirks on her blog awhile back, and then tagged anyone who was interested to do the same. My favorite one Em, was that you can't eat two candies of the same color in a row! Awesome!

It's taken me awhile to come up with any that would be funny enough or appropriate to share on my blog. I have lots of quirks that really aren't for public viewing or dissemination. That mostly has to do with me being crazy. :) I'm just sayin'.

My husband says I moan and whine while I'm sleeping. I never knew that! Well babe, you hold your breath and moan while you're sleeping too... and once we had a whole conversation that I tape recorded. I need to find that tape....

My favorite clothes to wear are pajamas. I buy more pajamas than t-shirts and jeans. They have to be cute enough to wear all day so I can answer the door, drive the kids to school, run my errands, and still be in pj's. Cute & Comfy, my only two requirements. I used to have pajama Fridays where Grace and I wore them all day, but that's sort of bleeding into any day of the week that I don't have to go to work. I just LOVE pajamas!

I clean when I'm angry. If I have pent up frustrations, I take it out on my house. At least that one's productive, I used to take it out on the house in the form of holes in the drywall. That's when I was a teenager, thankfully I'm more responsible in my adult years. Especially now that I'm paying for the repairs. My cleaning is always violent, top to bottom, scrub the nastiest most resistant spots on ceilings, walls, floors, appliances, I empty entire closets to reorganize every stitch of clothing and nothing goes back until it's in the proper place. Sometimes I'll work from sun up to well past midnight in order to purge my negative energy. When I'm done, I'm just too tired to be mad anymore.

I collect pens. I can't go to any store without checking out the office/school supply aisle and buying a package of pens. Everytime I clean out my purse, there are at least 10 pens of varying colors. My desk drawers are full of them, and the kids love searching them because some glitter and sparkle, some glow in the dark, some are bright colors. Even a cheap plastic bic pen holds a certain charm for me. Maybe it's because I like to write, I can't really pinpoint the origin of the obsession. But I really LOVE pens!

Those are my quirks so far. I'm sure there are more, but it's hurting my head to try and disect my life any more than I already have. So to anyone willing to take a good look at themselves and reveal some funny, silly, or quirky thing about yourself, then tag! You're it!

1 comment:

Kathy P said...

Ha!!! I am a PJ girl too... I think I have more PJs than any other type of clothing. I always have to check out the PJ section of any store.

Comfort baby!!! Thats what I am talking about.

So my hugest quirk that effects my family, and is totally unfounded and irrational??

Toothpaste. Yup. And gum. I won't brush my kids teeth. Hubby has to do it. It grosses me out more than cleaning poop off the wall. And, NO ONE, not even friends, are allowed to have gum in my house.

I tell the kids, as a mom, I am allowed to be weird.

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