Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Politics is served

Tonight was the Republican Debate.  The TV was on in the other room, we weren't watching it, but I overheard something that I mentioned to Austin while having family dinner.  That prompted some questions from the kids about the debate, the election, and politics in general.  They understand that the incumbent gets another shot at four more years, but they were curious about this crowd of people who wanted to run against him.  I think they understand that only one of these guys gets to try and beat Obama, and they're all fighting to be THAT GUY (or girl).  They're all saying different things to try to get the most votes, to make the most people happy.  My kids are 11, 9, and 6.  We were having family dinner.  Here's how I explained politics to them.

I'm the president.  (I'm off to a good start, right?)
I'm in charge, and I have to make everyone happy.
The dinner table is America.
The food I've prepared is what I have to offer America.
The shortlings surrounding the table are Americans.
One American doesn't like my casserole.
One American doesn't like the green beans.
One American won't eat the bread.
On a side note, my Vice President will eat pretty much anything.
I worked hard on this meal/plan for our table!
I'm proud of it, and my goal was to make EVERYONE happy!  But that's a near impossible task, we're all too different.

My little Americans understood that it's a really hard job to fill the table with things that everybody likes, and can agree on.  They liked the idea of being able to help pick the food, even help prepare and serve it.  The politicians make the decisions and offer things to the people, but the people get to have a say too.  I think they got the concept, maybe even six year old Grace.  Not about politicians, but about how she's the little American that didn't like the casserole.

The only part of my story that doesn't work is that my little Americans do NOT get to vote me out in four years, even if I keep making them eat their vegetables!


Dreamweaver Braids said...

LMFBO!!! Gotta love your little Americans. If only George Washington could have stayed alive to feed us vegetables forever :)

Cindy Shipley said...

Awesome analogy! I love how your little Americans came away from the table with a little better idea of how the political process works instead of just a diatribe about how we don't like the guy who keeps burning the lumpy gravy.

Adam and Emily said...

I really liked they way you described politics to them!

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