Sunday, May 2, 2010

Inspiring: Women's Conference part 3

I attended a class on Thursday entitled "Have Miracles Ceased; recognizing the Lord's hand in our lives." It was a fantastic class with speakers bearing testimony of incredible miracles.

Lynne Zabroskie shared the story of her husband who, 20 years ago, was skiing and was hit broadside by another boat. Her prayers for his recovery were continually answered, despite the doctors opinions that he would die. She told the Lord that she was willing to bear any physical burdens, as long as her husband's mind would be intact. Her prayers were answered.

She testified that miracles have not ceased. They may not be as obvious or as public as the miracle of healing her husband experienced, but they are just as real and personal to us. Her husband Craig got up and bore his testimony next. He couldn't use the right side of his body and walked with a heavy limp. His speech was impaired, but his mind was intact.

He made one very significant statement that may very well be my favorite quote from the entire conference.

"Trials are mandatory. Misery is a choice."

No one is exempt from the trials of mortality, we all have them. How we endure them is up to us, which is why we are counseled to endure it well. In my own life I have been called to endure mental illness. Often times my ability to endure it well has been hampered by the disease itself, which is where the miracles come in.

* Mental Illness has not destroyed my marriage, but made it stronger
* My children are compassionate and forgiving
* My children are independent and self-sufficient
* My faith in my Savior has been continually intensified as I recognize and draw upon the healing that only He can offer, to my body and to my mind.

These are just a few. Miracles have not ceased, I see them every day. I can testify that this is undeniably true. I was inspired by this talk and this particular class was probably my favorite.

Now some photos.

My lovely tulips.

Tulips covered in snow!

That's ok, they come from Holland so they can handle it. It was 80 degrees in Provo the week before the conference, the snow took everyone by surprise. It was a welcome change from the 90 degree weather I left behind in Mesa.

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