Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funny quotes: Women's Conference part 5

Women's Conference is full of lots of humor. There is inspiration and motivation, and the spirit is felt in abundance. But one of my favorite things is the sense of humor of these incredible women. Here's a few of my favorite quotes :)

"It is my job to dress my children, NOT to decorate them." - Sherry Neiger

"Men shop for pleasure, women shop out of guilt!" - Renata Forste (she watched commercials for one afternoon and realized that pleasure is marketed to men, and improving some kind of flaw is marketed to women).

"Instead of F.H.E., our family has F.F.F.... Forced Family Fun." - Suzanne Hawker

(Regarding the holidays...) "Men do all their holiday preparations in just one day, most of it online. Women start early and only stop when it's too late to do anymore." - Louise Shaw

"There isn't a class at this conference entitled "How to fill your time," or "What to do when you get bored." - Louise Shaw (talking about how women make lists of things to do that can only be accomplished by at least four women. We have NO trouble filling our time).

Those are just some of my favorites :)

1 comment:

Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

I love them...most of them apply to me now that I have a child...mom's are AMAZING!!!

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