Sunday, April 25, 2010

The shape of a Mother

I grabbed this link from a friend's website, because it really made me feel better about myself.

I am currently trying to lose some weight and be healthier, after a medication I was on caused an increase in appetite and weight. I'm eating better, and exercising 5 days a week. I want to get back into shape.

But what shape? I've had three kids. I'm never going to be the shape that I think is my ideal, ever again. EVER.

I was talking to Emily at work last night and we read yet another magazine article that said "look at so-and-so, and her post-baby-body! She got it back!" Yea, right. Nobody gets it back. It's not that easy, and it's not even true.

Underneath supportive underwear and tummy-slimming waistbands, I look pretty decent. Most people will never see the parts of me that hurt the most to look at. This website gave me some perspective on that. My body changed humanity, it brought incredible life into this world that I wouldn't give up for anything. My body is incredible, that it could do that. And it was worth whatever physical damage pregnancy and childbirth may have caused.

So visit this website and feel comforted. You can be healthy and happy, no matter what your post-baby-shape may be.

And to those well-meaning people who keep asking me if I'm pregnant... I forgive you.

1 comment:

The Birthday Group said...

Jill, I think you look great all the time!

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