Monday, December 28, 2009

Goal for 2010...

My goal, which I started today, is to work out and get healthy. My husband's insensitive surprise at my recent weight gain was kind of an eye opener (in addition to a mood killer). Today I started the weight training portion of my plan, and tomorrow will be aerobic/cardio exercise. My muscles hurt, and I only used 10 pound weights! And I'm NOT doing this so my husband can be happy, I'm doing this so I can be happy. I could use a little happiness after the dreariness that was my holidays. Now if I could just give up chocolate....


Skinhorse said...

Ummmm....Depending on the particular exercise you are doing, 10 pounds can be a LOT of weight when you are just beginning again. 'Tis safer to start with 5 lbs., work up to 8 lbs, etc., especially if you are isolating exercises for the arms or for core balancing. Little successes will help build your reserves for continued dedication, you hot mama you!

Denise said...

PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP CHOCOLATE! That would be the biggest mood killer of all. Sorry the holidays weren't up to par. I've had years like that too. :(

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

Way to go Jill! you can do it....except the giving up chocolate part...I dunno about that one.

Jenna said...

I gave up chocolate. Don't do it unless medically necessary. Moderating your intake is much more fun and still healthy. 10 lbs is alot most workouts I have heard of start with 2lbs and you work up from there.

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