Sunday, October 26, 2008

I got tagged!

A) Four places that I go to over and over:
Work, Church, Walgreens, Walmart

B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
Aunt Sharlene, Austin, Jenna, Mom

C) Four of my favorite places to eat:
Olive Garden, Chipotle, Rosa's, Sonic

D) Four other places I would rather be right now:
In my bed, Hawaii, Alaska, Europe

E) Four people I intend to tag:
I dunno, the first four people who read this.

F) Four TV shows I watch:
Bones, Fringe, Chuck, The Office

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Very Cute Jill!!! You're amazing! Blogging at 8am on a Sunday! I am SOOOO impressed!!! I was looking for pictures of my dad today and of course that led me to all my High school albums, which you were all over! I just wanted to say thank you for all you gave me through those years, we sure had a blast and my memories of that time in my life are nothing but joyful and fun! I know we are busy and don't get to talk/chat/e-mail as much as I wish we could, but I think about you a lot and am always thankful for the big part you played in making me who I am now! I love you! Have a great day!!!

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