Sunday, October 19, 2008

Conversation with Ember

I was driving Ember to the store to get a birthday present for her friend, and we had the following conversation. We were stopped at a red light, and the 50 year old man in the car next to us was smoking.

E: Mom, why does that man have both his windows rolled down? Oh, he's smoking. He's really bad!

M: He's not bad honey, he just doesn't know any better. Maybe he doesn't know about the Word of Wisdom like you do.

E: Well, he should know better. He's like, 18 years old. (This man was in his fifties with gray hair and a beard). Mom, can dad grow a beard?

M: Yes, he just chooses not to.

E: How come?

M: Maybe because I don't like the way it feels when he kisses me, so he does it for me. Maybe because it makes his face feel itchy. You should ask him that.

E: I didn't know he could grow a beard, but he shaves EVERY DAY! (at this point, we got to the roundabout at the Riverview shopping center. Some gardeners were leveling the dirt). What are they putting in there?

M: Probably flowers. Trees would be too tall and block the view of traffic.

E: Flowers?! But flowers go on the side of a road, or in a garden, not in a a big thing like that.

M: What would you put there?

E: A playground, for kids to wait while their parents are shopping.

M: But Ember, there's lots of cars, it wouldn't be a safe place to leave kids.

E: Then I'd just get a lifeguard.


Cindy said...

Ha Ha me and Ash are cracking up! Ember is so funny- and smart- I mean heck? Why didn't we think of that? It really would have made my life easier if I coulda dropped the kids off at the lifeguard protected playground while I shopped till I dropped! Cute cute!

Adam and Emily said...
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Adam and Emily said...

I love how kids think.. so simple. But that is too funny. Also, I hope when I'm in my 50's kids will think I'm 18!

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