Friday, September 5, 2008

Midnight Sun

This article was e-mailed to me by a friend, and it makes me sad. I was really looking forward to "Midnight Sun" and now it's indefinitely delayed because of someone's dishonesty.

Stephenie Meyer drops new book after Web leak

Wed Sep 3, 9:32 AM ET

CANBERRA (Reuters Life!) - Author Stephenie Meyer, writer of the best-selling young adult "Twilight" books, has put the fifth and final installment in the series on hold in protest after a partial draft was posted on the Internet.

Meyer, the U.S. author of "Twilight" and its sequels "New Moon," "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn," said she had a good idea of how the leak of "Midnight Sun" had happened as so few copies had left her hands and each was unique.

The novel tells the love story of a human teenager named Bella and her vampire lover, Edward.

"The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good purpose. I have no comment beyond that, as I believe that there was no malicious intent with the initial distribution," she wrote in a posting on her website.

But Meyer, 34, said this was a huge violation of her rights of an author as well as her rights as a human being as she owned the copyright and had the say when the book should be made public.

She said musicians and filmmakers also had the same rights and it was dishonest of anyone to download material off the Internet and to reproduce and distribute it.

"This has been a very upsetting experience for me, but I hope it will at least leave my fans with a better understanding of copyright and the importance of artistic control," wrote Meyer.

"I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on "Midnight Sun," and so it is on hold indefinitely."

Meyer said the draft that was released on the Internet was incomplete with messy and flawed writing but she was making this draft available to everyone to be a fair and because it added a new dimension to the "Twilight" story.

(Reporting by Belinda Goldsmith, Editing by Matthew Jones)


Maren said...

It just makes me so sad because the 12 chapters that Stephenie posted are wonderful.BUT it's right before the meadow scene,GAH!! I really hope she does finish because I would buy this book in a second.
I am glad you are going to the midnight showing as well! It's just the way it has to be done. Hopefully I can nurse my baby right before and then head out to the movie. I already have it all planned out. So exciting!

Jill said...

I haven't read the 12 chapters yet, only Stephenie's comments about them. It doesn't sound like she's cancelling the book altogether, just postponing indefinitely (which sounds just as bad). Your baby will only be 2 months old when the movie comes out, I am so impressed that you've planned it so well. :)

Adam and Emily said...

Hey Jill, so I just wanted to tell you that we just downloaded a new torrent download program, and its way better and way easier to download than azureas. It's called UTorrent. You just google it and then the download instructions are very easy to follow. Then to get the movies and stuff we just go to Mininova to get them. So anyway, it just downloaded a movie in like 30 min instead of a day that our old one used to take. So I thought I would let you know!

Cindy said...

I am so bothered! That is so sad. Poor Stephenie and now poor us that we may never know about the meadow. It will be left to my imagination what he truly thinks! (Which isn't too bad I guess...) hee hee just teasin. But really that does stink. Maybe she will get over it quickly!!!!

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