Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Leaf me alone!

Thanks to the rainstorms, our pecan trees have shed their bounty of leaves.  Also thanks to the rain, they aren't covered in the usual sticky sap, they're getting perfectly crunchy as they are drying out.  The lawn is COVERED with them.  The perfect playground for a child!

Ben and his best bud Katie decided to play games in the leaves today, including the game where they bury each other and pretend they're dead.  (?)  I got involved to help Katie get her arms totally covered, it's hard to bury your own arms, and then out came Dad with the camera.  They look adorable!

Also, does THIS make you want orange juice?  Or to just bite into that orange peel, skipping the peeling process to get to the center?  Doesn't it just make you thirsty for orangy goodness??

And THESE make me want pie.  And lemon bars.  And lemonade.  And lemon crinkle cookies.  And lemon flavored anything, my tree is overflowing with beautiful yellow lemons!

I love my backyard.  The end.


1 comment:

Jenna said...

Ok what are lemon crinkle cookies?! They sound wonderful!

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