Sunday, December 11, 2011

I know this is late...

I just got copies of these pictures from my sis-in-law Noelle, so even though it's from October I'm going to post it now.

Last year we started a tradition with the Lawlor girls... (one of which is an original, the others are married into... it's awesome).  Who knew when Vicki was raising 6 sons and only 1 sweet daughter, that she would end up with a HOUSE FULL of sweet daughters one day?

But I digress... our tradition.  We decided that one weekend a year, in the fall, we would recklessly abandon our husbands and children and make a trip north to the family cabin for a girls weekend.  This year we went October 14-16.  Here's a couple group shots of those able to attend (we missed you Shelley!!!)

 Jill, Vicki, Cindy, Sarah, Noelle, Celeste, and the babies...
 Madilyn and Valette!

Celeste, Noelle, and Mom kind of switched around and took turns being in the picture because it's hard to remember how to use the automatic timer on a really expensive camera with a hundred thousand menu's.  Or something like that.

And for flashback fun, here's last year's trip, which we took at the end of September!
2010 Girls Weekend

I hope we never stop doing this, no matter how old we get.  And a great big thank you to our Lawlor boys (fantastic men who Vicki raised so well) who take care of home and family while we are away.

1 comment:

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I love you.

You are such a talented writer. We both posted the same thing but yours is definitely more entertaining.

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