Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vacation part 4

The last part of our week long vacation was spent in Prescott with Austin's brother and their family.  The cousins had so much fun together, we are so glad they moved back from Missouri!  It seems like the only time I pulled out the camera was when they were being lazy though... I swear they chased lizards in the backyard and played with legos and dolls, they didn't just watch TV.

Our Lawlor cousins also have a new kitten named Mr. Meowski.  Actually, it's Mr. Vader Meowski, to appease the boys.  My kids were enamored and wouldn't leave that poor little thing alone.  They did however help to build it a gigantic playhouse out of cardboard boxes, and the kitten loved it.  It was an awesome visit, I was so glad to end our trip with family in Northern Arizona!

Back to the heat, back to school... *sigh*

1 comment:

Kristie said...

HOLY COW I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW BIG YOUR KIDS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course they are roughly the same ages as ours, so I don't know why it should surprise me, but SHEESH!!! You look as lovely as ever!!! You never get older!!! ANd for the record, I think the Vader part is jmustified because of the little V on his nose, what a cutie kitty!!! I am SO glad you all had such a wonderful time!!!!! Have fun with the new school year!!! Love yoU!

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