Thursday, March 31, 2011

Puppy Project week 3

If kids developed this fast, I'd be a grandmother by now.  

The puppies are up on all fours, walking all over the place.  They're also playing with each other, biting ears and noses and wrestling around on top of each other.  I've taken a million videos and I'm having a hard time picking which ones to put on the blog!

The puppies got a swimming pool for play time, they needed more room to run around than just a laundry basket and I don't want them loose on the living room floor yet.  And the pool can be hosed out as needed, I can't really hose down the wood floor.
They had their first baths this week, since one of them pooped and they all rolled in it.  It was really annoying the first time it happened, but four puppies in the sink is pretty darn cute. Elphie was hovering, she didn't like to hear them all crying at once.

At 21 days (this past Wednesday) their retinas were fully developed, so they can really see and focus.  In the middle of the night on Tuesday I got up to let Elphie out and the little boy puppy sat up on his haunches and looked up at me.  We made eye contact and he just starred at me for awhile.  It was kinda cool :)

The puppies are getting VERY playful.  They're interacting more with each other and with me and the kids.  Austin says they're socializing. 

Good news, we've already sold two of the puppies!  Ben's puppy sold first, Twilight, and I was concerned that he'd be upset now that the fact that they're leaving is more real.  Ben was actually very excited that his was first, his puppy was the best of them all!  I'm sure once the puppies actually go to their new homes in 3 weeks they won't be as excited. In the meantime, we're having the time of our lives.  :)


Celeste said...

Im so glad you guys are enjoying your puppies! They are darling.

Jenna said...

Hryum and I just discovered your puppy posts. He loves to watch the videos and when they are over says "more puppies!"

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