Thursday, March 17, 2011

Does this milk make me look fat?

So the puppies were one week old yesterday, and I didn't blog about it because I made the kids do chores all morning and I worked all afternoon, into the night.  I was just too tired.  Blogging takes energy, y'know? 

We've already had one interested party in our puppies!  I told Ember yesterday that it was one week down, five to go before they start going to their new homes.  Now that the puppies are here, it's even more tragic that they have to leave.  The kids are very attached, they've each named one and have staked claims to holding and snuggling rights.  We'll see what the next five weeks will be like.

I can't believe how much they grew in ONE week!  They've almost doubled in size, and they are so chubby.  We did a little "photo shoot" today and they mostly cooperated.  One puppy, the one Grace named Tinkerbelle, just wouldn't hold still.  But how do you get frustrated with a puppy?  :)

This is our first born, and the only boy, which Ember has named Moonlight. 

The second born was Tinkerbelle, and she's the chubbiest, fastest, and snarkiest puppy so far.  Grace named this one.  Hmm..... the kids also like to point out that the black spot on her forehead looks like a goldfish cracker.

 The third born is Star, named by me supposedly, heavily influenced by Ember.  That's because there's a little black spot in the white patch on her forehead that could be a star.

The youngest, and the one that surprised me, is Twilight.  Ben named her, again heavily influenced by Ember.  I have no idea why that name was picked.

We did our photo shoot today so I can put some pictures online to get ready to sell them.  I haven't decided if I'm going to list them now, or in a few weeks when they'll look more like puppies and less like hampsters.

Here's our proud Mama, who is looking very tired these days.  I have three kids, spread out.  She had four in one day and she nurses almost constantly.  It would be an interesting blog post to compare human vs. animal motherhood.  Maybe in  May, around Mother's Day :)  See?  Doesn't she look sleep deprived?

This is what the puppies look like after they've fed.  They basically roll off of Elphie onto their backs in a milk-induced coma, like they're passed out drunk.  Their little bellies are getting so fat, and when they move they look like seals... they just claw and drag themselves around their box with their back legs moving like flippers.  Soooo cute.

So that was week one of our puppy experience.  Maybe I'll do a weekly Wednesday post (or Thursday if I get too tired or overwhelmed... or forget) and give an update on their growth, and our funny stories. 

And... does anybody want to buy one yet?  *wink wink*


Maren said...

I am pretty sure my sister is wanting one. She would love to come with me to visit the lovely little pups if that is okay.

Celeste said...

So cute! (I totally agree that blogging takes energy!!!)

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