Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pinewood Derby

This year was Ben's first Pinewood Derby and he and Austin had lots of fun making his car over the past few weeks.  It came down to the wire, adding paint yesterday and wheels this afternoon.  Ben designed the car himself, but Dad and Grandpa did all the cutting.  Ben and blades?  Do I look crazy?  It was done in time, weighing exactly 5 ounces.  Ben raced his car 13 times, and he won 7 races.  He had a lot of fun, and was a really good sport the times that he lost.  I was very proud of him, we all had lots of fun!

This is right after his first race, which he happened to lose.  He handled his disappointment well, and recovered quickly when he started winning :)

Here's a short video of one of Ben's wins.  Such a cute kid :)

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