Friday, December 31, 2010


New Year's Eve... the time when every blogger everywhere is doing a "year in review." My year in pictures, my favorite posts, that time when I learned something...


2010, good riddance. You stunk. And you were expensive. And mean. Yea, yea, some good stuff happened in there... but mostly I was just trying to figure out a treatment plan that kept me sane and not so depressed. I think I got it...

so bring it on 2011, let's see what you got.


Skinhorse said...

Yes, ma'am! Bring it on! I got'chur back if ya need. Hope the Year treats you well.

Adam and Emily said...

Ok I'll tell you what you learned this year... You learned that Modern Family was the best show you weren't watching. You learned that you and me on swings was the bestest! You learned that you are going to make a killing on those Grace books you are going to write...You learned that mini blizzards are the perfect size, hence you can have them more often. I'm sure there are more stuff in there also but that's what I can come up with so far that you have learned this past year!

Want to get to know me? Visit this post!