Monday, January 12, 2009

Family Home Evening

For Family Home Evening tonight we wrapped the kitchen table in saran wrap and dumped macaroni and cheese in the middle of the table. We told the kids we were eating with no dishes or utensils. We wanted them to get dirty, messy. We explained that sin makes us feel dirty, but the saran wrap is like the Atonement. It 'wraps up' all our sins and takes them away, making us clean again just like the table was clean again. The kids took awhile to warm up to the idea of eating with their hands, but it ended up being really fun, and I think they got the message!

Austin REALLY got into it :)


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a creative and brilliant idea! What a wonderful mother you are Jill, your children are so blessed. I've got to pass that one on. Thanks!

Jill said...

Thanks, Anonymous. I wish I knew who you were...

Hot Diggity Daws said...

You look so pretty in these pictures. Austin was cracking me up, leave it to a dad to dive in and be silly! :)

Anonymous said...

you're so this rate you might as well own the company that makes saran wrap!!!

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