Friday, August 14, 2009

This post is gonna put me on somebody's list...

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." - James Madison

My mother used to tell me when I was a little girl that I needed to learn to disagree without being disagreeable. I think she's right, but that doesn't mean it's always possible. Take our government for example, and the proposed government run healthcare system.

The two sides couldn't disagree more, and nobody is disagreeing nicely. It's even gone way beyond being disagreeable, it's being condescending, belittling, and juvenile. Name calling isn't going to solve anything. Both sides will agree with me on this.

I have seen in the last 8 months the slow and gradual deconstruction of the nation I'm familiar with. Socialism is taking over this country, and if that statement puts me on somebody's watch list, then so what. May I remind you that I am entitled to my freedom of speech, and I am entitled to political opinions about those whom I elect. I am an intregal part of the democratic process and as such, I have the right to speak out when I disagree.

I suffer from two severe chronic illnesses. I fear the future when the government will get to decide what is best for me and my treatment. I cherish my freedom to select doctors and treatment programs that work for me. I cherish my freedom in general!

I really have no idea what I can do about this other than writing to my own representatives and expressing my concern, or rather disgust, at the proposed health care bill. I know I've angered some people in the past with my obvious political animosity towards our current leadership, but I'm beyond sarcasm and political cartoons. I'm really worried. I would encourage anyone who agrees with me to write to their elected representatives as well and tell them what we feel, what we want. Some of them are still honest enough to recognize their obligation to do what the people want, the people who put them there in the first place.

"That's all I have to say about that." - Forrest Gump

The End.


Toni said...

It scares me too, but I've made the decision that I will NOT give up my freedom. They will have to kill me to take it from me! There now we can be on the list together :o).

Adam and Emily said...

I couldn't agree more. I have a deep fear of what the future holds, cause I too have medical issues...not as severe as you, but what happens if something worse comes along?

Robert Choate said...

Amen. I'll go on that list with you. If this is going to happen then I think those who are proposing it should have to go on it first in a trial run being one of the normal folk they claim to be trying to help. I don't think that is going to happen. And if there are people out there who are not happy with their healthcare or life situation then go and do something about it.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Jill!
Add me to the list of those that can't just sit back and watch our freedom go down the tiolet. This is just the beginning. There is something wrong with a picture that takes better care of those that are not even here in this country legally. THEY are the only ones who can afford to have a baby- because WE pay for it!!! My daughter and her husband pay a BIG premium every month JUST to have medical insurance and they can't even afford to use it because the plicy they have is crappy. She is high risk pregnancy and can't afford the "OUT OF POCKET". There are millions of Americans in the same boat. But they just keep having them beacuse it doesn't cost them one cent! Then, they are set because they can claim EACH one and get more help from our wonderful government who has so much to give away to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!! Hellooooooooooooo when are people going to wake up and know this picture has GOT to change. It is NOT fair for those of us who have WORKED hard to get to where we are. Jill you struck a nerve... Hell yes I AM on this list!!

Bella Beginnings said...

I am with you!!! Here is an email I received from my brother in law concerning some very SCARY points of this law... he is in the insurance business. Also here is the list of information to write the elected officials...

There is even more at stake here than a lot more Americans loosing jobs. I have gone through the bill over the past week and, with the help of excellent sources, have pulled out some extremely alarming portions that I think the public should be aware of. You will see that I have included the page number of the bill as a reference. There is also a link to the actual bill which is 1017 pages long. Shortcut to:
As your read these portions of the bill you'll see why the American Public is very "fired up" over this bill. I also included a link to an excellent article written by the CEO of Whole Foods Inc. that contains some sound alternatives to the current bill (H.R. 3200)

Here's a portion of what I've found:

Page 30-31 There will be a board that is made up of Public and Private individuals (the Private individuals are appointed by the President of the U.S. can you say ACORN) that will decide what type of care you get.

Page 58-59 Lines 21-24 The Federal Government will have direct access to bank accounts and financial information in order to "Allow Automated reconciliation" on the payments owed. There is also wording regarding Automatic Funds Transfers.

Page 167 Lines 18-23 Anyone that doesn't have "acceptable coverage" will pay a tax of 2.5% on their income.

Page 170 Resident Aliens are Exempt from this Tax mentioned above.

Pages 127/241 All Physicians are payed based on what the docs tell them (it looks like this will be the same for all Docs regardless of Specialty) There will be far less "motivation" for people to want to be doctors and specialists.

Page 272 The "Secretary" Will decide how much is to much for cancer patients and their doctors with regards to the Cost of Proceedures.

Pages 425-427 The states will decide regarding correct procedures and amounts of care regarding end of life care.

Page 621 lines 20-25 Government decides the definition of "Quality Care"

Page 660-671 Doctors in residency will be told where they are going to practice and where they'll live.

Page 710 / 711 The Secretary has "Broad Powers" to include or deny providers in the system and direct which types of tests will be ordered.

Page 768 Increasing birth intervals between pregnancy. Govt. decides how often a family can have children.

Page 838 Home Visitation Program for families with young children.

Page 844 The state will decide on and train parents how to raise their children.

Page 936 Govt. sets Healthy People Standards and tells what to eat and how to exercise

993-994 Govt. clinics will be set up in schools.

if any of this makes you concerned that your individual rights are being infringed upon then contact your elected officials...

How to contact your elected leaders
President Barak Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Electronic messages sent via system
Sen. Jon Kyl
730 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 50510
(202) 224-4521
Sen. John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2235

Jill said...

Thanks so much for that info, and thanks everybody for all your support! I wanted to know what was in that bill, but if I had time to read 1000 pages of anything I'd read the bible. Maybe I'll write more than one letter, maybe I'll write once a week to both Arizona senators. I am starting to understand how the constitution will hang by a thread in the latter days, because this entire health bill is completely unconstitutional.

Kristie said...

I'm with you! As I was reading through all this, I was thinking the exact same thing! And though I am well now, you know what my history has been and that always hangs over me as a little shadow. I have so many family members in Canada who HAVE already a health care system lilke this and who pretty much ALL love their country, but wish with their might to have the healthcare system America has---hopefully will have forever! This is scary stuff. I just think one of the reasons people that were saved back to come now in the game can't be wimpy or lazy about opening our mouths to preserve our constitution. We have to stand up and be heard! I promise, I'LL be writing!!!!!!!Oh, and I LOVE that quote!!!!! You ROCK!!!

Lilac A. Rugg said...

Beetle Blogger always has good LDS perspective on what's going on governmentally, whether it's this or gay marriage or abortion or whatever.

As for disagreeing nicely, I found a great JS quote during Relief Society today, something about cultivating meek, humble, joyful spirits... I may need to take his advice just a little bit. :)

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