Wednesday, June 10, 2009

They're moving on Friday!!!

This is the last straw!! (That's my front door by the way, my WOOD front door with their names CARVED into it!!) I finally sent a note to their mother detailing her children's destruction of my property. Thankfully they're moving this Friday, and we can start the physical healing of our home. My metal and emotional healing may take a little longer.


The Birthday Group said...

Unbelievable! Good thing they are moving.

Skinhorse said...

WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?

Wendy said...

Somehow this does not suprise me! Man! Today I almost ran over the 2year old boy. He was all the way over in our drive way, with his 4 year old sister the only possibility for protection. Both were on tricycles, certainly low visibility machines.

When we called out that it was very dangerous and they should be over by their house Hannah said, "Well I am not the one that almost got hit, he was!"

I don't think I'd want to put her in charge of MY 2 year old! I'm hoping the country is much safer for them.

A few times I tried to teach them the concept of calling first before showing up to play. So I got a phone call from mom saying, Jacob would like to play with Brian. I thought, okay 1 kids I can handle that. Before long all 3children arrived and promptly requested snacks and drinks, and I want to play with my brother and your toys. :)

Unknown said...

My gosh! I would absolutely have come unglued. Seriously, I think you guys should have them fork out money for repairs, or I would take them to small claims court. Just to make their life more of a headache to, I might even call child protective services to let them know of the lack of oversight of the children. Unbelievable! I'm glad they're moving, I just hope it's not to Midvale, UT.

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