Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ben's first sunburn

My son got his first sunburn! In our family, that's as momentous as a first tooth. He was playing outside with his buddy all day, the weather wasn't too bad, the backyard was mostly shaded, so I thought he was fine. We both lost track of time, and he lost his shirt. Result? Serious sunburn.

Sure, he looks happy about it now, but you should've seen him when he tried to take a bath, put on pajamas, or lay in bed!

I took him in the front yard to pick off a piece of the aloe vera plant and he totally flipped out. He thought it was a pokey cactus and I was going to stab it into him. I showed him how you squeeze it and the juice comes out, but he was convinced it was a weapon of mass destruction.
The plant was put in the yard simply BECAUSE our family glows in the dark! Sunburns are inevitable, and I'm just surprised it didn't happen sooner!

He thought it was the coolest thing ever two days later when it started to peel
off in big chunks. Now THAT's a boy reaction.


The Birthday Group said...

Oh, poor little guy. I hope he feels better soon.

Adam and Emily said...

I want to know where his shirt went?

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