Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy days are here again...

Well, I graduate from my outpatient therapy group on Thursday. It's been intensive, three times a week three hours a day. I've made friends and grown so comfortable there, that I'm a little anxious to leave. I even took my violin to group on Monday (I was 'volun-told' that I had to do it. It's like volunteered, only it was someone else's idea). I played a few silly songs, but it was so healing to pick it up again and remember that I was good at it. I played Edelweiss from the Sound of Music, and Amazing Grace for the music for our meditation and it was very peaceful.

I really have learned some wonderful things from therapy, and I highly recomend it for everyone (even if you're not as crazy as me). Maybe I'll have to have another breakdown so they can sign me up for the program again! I'm not 'cured,' that doesn't happen with mental illnes. I just have more coping skills than I did before so that once my medication is balanced and the chemical part is controlled, then the social, behavioral and emotional parts can get stronger again. Who knows, maybe I'll even be a better person than I was before the crash happened!


Kathy P said...

So glad you found some relief for a while. I think there is something very healing about music... happy you found that in your violin...

Keep smiling!

Skinhorse said...

Keep exploring. The dense flora does eventually lead to airy, mountain places. Beauty can be found all along the way.

I'm glad you stuck it out. Here's hoping you keep those friendships thriving as well!

The Birthday Group said...

Jill, good for you! I have done those 3 weeks of outpatient before and I got so much out of it. I'm glad that you are feeling better and getting healthy.

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

Jill I'm really glad you were able to find something that works. It's always helpful to know someone who has experienced what you are dealing with. Happy graduation =)

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