Friday, December 21, 2012

Chore Cards... genius!

I saw something similar to this on Pinterest, so I made my own.  I of course had to cute it up a bit and scrapbook them, but I made five chore cards, each one for a different room in the house.  On the card is a picture and a checklist... it's laminated, so the kids can check things off as they go.  Every Saturday morning we're going to pick a card and we're each responsible for the room that we pick.  Austin and I aren't exempt, we'll get a room too, and it's only the public areas of the house.  Bedrooms are a given.  No playing outside or with friends or watching TV until everything on your card is checked off.  If we keep up with this every Saturday, none of the rooms are ever going to get bad enough to cause major complaints from the kids (I will always expect minor complaints).  I am so excited for Saturday, maybe even a little bit more than for Christmas!  :)


Dreamweaver Braids said...

We have a bathroom checklist, but I never thought about doing that with the other rooms and everyone picking a card (or out of a hat even) Genius! Plus I think this gives the whole family incentive to keep things cleaner during the week since they had to do the work on saturday. When you clean it yourself, you value it more :) This is awesome!

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I love that the chores will be random. And that there is one for everyone in the family and you will all have work to do. Sweet.

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