Saturday, November 24, 2012

Locks of Love

Ember has been growing her hair out for almost four years and it's so beautiful, and healthy and shiny and thick.  It has been her distinguishing feature for so long, and she decided to give it up today.  Her best friend donated her hair awhile ago and it's been on Ember's mind ever since then, since her friend's family is dealing with cancer in their family.  Ember's also had family members suffer from cancer and she wanted to do something to show her love and support.  She did the only thing a 12 year old child can do... cut off her hair and give it away to make wigs for those enduring chemotherapy.  I am so proud of her and the choice she made.  She looks so much more grown up with her short, stylish haircut, and now her distinguishing feature isn't her hair, it's her sacrifice and service and love for others.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet she loves it! You are right, it is very cute and stylish.

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