Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Thanksgiving was fantastic.  We enjoyed dinner with Austin's parents, their kids, spouses, and grandkids and it was a large crowd.  Now that it's over, NOW is the time for Christmas decorations and music.  Not before.  One holiday at a time, thankyouverymuch.

I skipped Black Friday by sleeping in, staying in my pajamas, and watching movies.  It was awesome.  Saturday my friend Susan took another friend and I out to a movie and lunch for our November birthdays, and we saw the Muppets.  I definitely reccomend this movie for kids of all ages, and kids at heart who watched the Muppet show on TV growing up.  It was very nostalgic, funny, had some great celebrity appearances, and fun music.  I can't wait to see it again with my family.

After my morning out with the girls, I came home to find that my husband had not only put up our Christmas tree and wrapped it with lights, he had also done the dishes and a load of laundry.  (Back up ladies, he's MINE.  And there's no secret to training him... he seriously just came that way).

I got home just in time to watch and record the kids decorate the tree.  Our house looks and sounds like Christmas now (love Christmas playlists on the iPod).  It was a good day.  Happy Holidays, and let the serious shopping begin!

 So sweet, Daddy can still (barely) rock his little girl.

 I found this idea on Pinterest... I actually DID it!  I'm really excited about how it turned out, but I'm even more excited that I actually accomplished something that I pinned.  Yay me!


Austin said...

Some of these pictures are AWESOME!!!
I really like the ones of Ember and Grace.

Denise Clelland said...

Very nice decorations! We don't have our tree yet, and I'm feeling a little panicked. Only 24 more days!

Jenna said...

I love the ornaments on the drapes with the garland! So pretty and elegant! We are almost done with our Christmas shopping but only have a little bit of decorations up. Baby steps!

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

The ornaments on the window look awesome. I wanted to do that in my kitchen but was lazy and didn't figure out a good way.

I just want to point out that Austin will *barely* be able to fit Ember and both others on his lap for the next 20 years. I sat on Mom's lap like a month ago. Seriously.

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