Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Annual Girl's Weekend in the Mountains

Vicki has six sons and one daughter. Her daughter and the wives of her sons all gathered at the cabin in Overgaard to spend a girls-only weekend. Not that we don't love those sons of hers, but it's nice to just be with the girls :) We spent the weekend talking and crafting, mostly making cute hair bows for ourselves and our daughters. Celeste was in charge of the food and did a FABULOUS job. She even made everyone a customized omelet on Sunday morning.

While we were there we also had the opportunity to drive up to the Stake Center in Taylor and attend the General Relief Society Broadcast together. The talks were inspiring, and I'm glad I could share that with the girls. I really do hope this becomes an annual trip, it was so much fun!

Celeste (holding Adria), Me, Noelle, Vicki, Cindy, Shelley, and Sarah.

This is almost all of the hair bows we made.


Denise said...

holy hairbows, those are adorable!

Gary & Sharlene Merrill said...

looks like great fun.....

Now Vicki has daughters......

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