Thursday, February 25, 2010

spines are stupid

So here's a picture of the base of the spine, 5 fused vertibrae that make up the Sacrum.

This is the snotty little bone that keeps slipping out of place in my lower back, and I hate it.

Every time I go to chiropractor (my new best friend... yes folks, that was sarcasm)
it costs me a $25 co-pay for him to put that stinking bone back again.

Here's a little bit of T.M.I. F.Y.I.
(too much information, for YOUR information)

The terminal Ilium is where the small bowel meets the large bowel in the digestive tract, it's very small, and in me that's where my Crohn's disease likes to settle in. It's loaded with scar tissue. I don't know why I told you that, maybe because the word Ilium is in my diagram. I'm easily distracted.

Back to my spine:

I'm pretty sure it's trying to kill me. And, it may very well bankrupt me. How many friggin' visits is it going to take before that stupid bone stays where Dr. Sartz puts it???

1 comment:

Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

I can't even imagine...

I hope your silly spine decides to stay in place! Permanently!!

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