Saturday, September 12, 2009


I have a blog stalker >:(
so I had to turn on comment moderation.
Some really mean and hateful things were posted here,
which I have since deleted.

She/he (the profile picture is unclear)
doesn't know me. Doesn't care about me.
Don't know how they found me.

If this continues, I'll have to make my blog private.

Come on people, grow up.
Quit spewing your hate onto strangers family blogs.


Skinhorse said...

That stinks. So sorry. Well, on one hand, I hope you don't have to go private since I sense you really do help a lot of people and that private blog decision might limit some of that potential.

Still, you don't want to set yourself up as a target, either, and further bring yourself down when, in fact, you are using this blog as a way to invite light, hope, laughter, and love into your life.

So, you do what you need to do, girly, to protect yourself and your family. That is your #1 priority where this blog stuff is concerned.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

What in the world? How could anyone have found something rude to say about your blog?!! I don't get it.

Adam and Emily said...

Is there a way that you can report them to blogspot? I had someone do that to my blog and wrote some hateful things, if I knew who they were I could have done some hateful things to their face... But I changed mine so I get the comments and can post the ones I want. People suck...

Millie said...

I'm so sorry. I know how that feels. :(

P.S. Can you friend me again? FB killed my account this time.

Adam and Emily said...

HAHA!! I just had some random stranger comment on my link I put up about the cars for clunkers thing....and he was putting down mormons also... What's the deal? You jinxed me! haha!

Word verification(very fitting):
dicus = the people who troll blogspot and leave mean comments!


Kristie said...

ACK!!!! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, Jill! Brandon's cousin just had the same thing happen to her too! It's sick and wrong and I am so sorry you have to deal with it! BUT, I think you're GREAT and I LOVE you and think you are the best! So There!

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