Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wicked Dogs!!!

Welcome to the newest member of the Lawlor canine family!  We would love to have another liter of puppies with Elphie, but didn't want to spend the money on a stud fee, we wanted to buy a male Boston Terrier of our own.  Ember is technically the dog owner (even though Mom paid for it) and she came up with his name, the best name ever... FIERO!!

(For anyone who's seen Wicked, Elphie and Fiero are going to have kids in about a year... we're all very excited).

The car ride home from Payson

Getting to know his future... girlfriend?  Baby mama?  

 You leave me out of this.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

He is so small and cute. You are a great mom, my kids would love me if I would let them have a dog, and here you are with 3! :)

Sherri said...

Awww he's a cutie...what does Elphie think about this matchmaking business? :o)

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