Friday, May 23, 2008

Ears Pierced

Ember got her ears pierced today, and she handled it very well! I tried to prepare her for the experience, and she knew it wasn't going to tickle. The worst part is between ears, when you know what it feels like and you know you have to do it one more time. She cried a little bit, but she got over it quickly. Ben actually cried more than she did, it always bothers him when his sisters are in pain. Ember asked me why she didn't get her ears pierced when she was a baby like a lot of other girls she knows, and I explained to her that I wanted to wait until she was responsible enough to take care of it herself. It's also a priviledge she earned, not an entitlement she was born with. Now she's asking about makeup... she's growing up too fast!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Go Ember! And Go Jill too! Brandon and I fel the same way!

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